Thursday, June 19, 2008

.: Fact Tag:.

The rules for the fact tag are:~ Each person has to list 6 facts about them~ List at the end of your posting who you have tagged.

1. I have freakishly small hands! As Brady and Bryan so affectionatly called me sauge fingers, and stumpy.. which turned into shompy...then shalompy. I don't know what that's all about! But that's okay I rarely do.

2. I'm completely addicted to Grey's Anatomy. I could watch it for hours on end. Patrick Dempsy is my love! I watch it and get so addicted. And the sad thing is that even though i have seen it a BILLION times. I still hope that Denny and Izzie will end up together and that Derek and Meredith won't ever break up... LAME I know!!

3. I am a movie buff, I love to watch and quote movies!

4. I love the summer and I love the water! I secretly think that I am part dolphin or something...

5. I am still in love with my ex.But that's not really a secret if you know me at all.. But I'm totally up for dating other people.

6. My family and my friends are everything to me!!!

I'm totally boring, but I ♥ it! I now tag Kari, Lindsey, Bridgette, Shalece, Suzette, and Brit!! (jessie I would tag you too but you are the one that got me to do this silly thing :]) ♥

1 comment:

The Dixon Family! said...

You're not boring.. you're WONDERFUL :) Which would be why I love you dearly. Br proud of your water loving, Anatomy watching, stumpy finger self. What's not to love? That's perfection baby!