I'm here. Standing on this road that I have been traveling on for a very, VERY long time. I have reached the fork in the road.
Am I to go left?
The road to the left is land filled with uncertainty. A land filled with adventure, no doubt. Hopefully a land that has family and friends and more love than I could ever dream of.
Or do I take the road less traveled. The road to the right. The road that my heart so badly wishes to take. The road that leads to teaching. Learning. Reliance. Love. All things that I want, and have worked so SO hard for.
Both options are very good options that will lead me home eventually. I just don't know what path to take to get there??
My GPS (God's Plan for Shaylyn) is flashing at me which way. Now I just have to look down!
That's right ladies and gentlemen!
Today is the day that will change the very course of the next 18 months (at least!!)
It's here!!!!!!