Thursday, May 31, 2012

He's home!

Well this week has been an emotional roller coaster. I have had such a hard time trying to figure out my emotions.. but one thing i do know is that I care about a man named Scotty J. And he is even better than i could've ever imagined he would be! Not only is he the best listener, he is the best advice giver, most patient, humble, willing to fight for what he wants kind of guy and I am the luckiest girl in the world to call him my best friend and to hold even the tiniest piece of his heart. I know I haven't always done the best to guard it like I should but one thing I know is that I am not just gonna let it go for something that is most likely just a whim or a spur of the moment thing. Other guys might come and i might wonder if the grass is really greener on the other side, but i will come to find that it isn't.  And it wasn't until a few days ago that it really hit me how much I truly care about him. He is the kind of guy i have dreamed about since i was a little girl. He is amazing and I just can't wait to see where all of this will go!! that doesn't mean that I am ready to jump in the "i do" wagon just yet, but I am so ready to let the journey begin!! I can't wait to see him!

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