Wednesday, October 15, 2008

.: The Diet... Chapter 1:.

Hey all!

So I decided that I am going to be starting a diet. I really hate the idea of diets, but I have gained a lot of weight this past year because of stress, and I am tired of my clothes not fitting. :(

It's a pretty basic diet.

Drink a shake for breakfast.


Shake for lunch.


and a regular meal for dinner.

I figured that since I don't ever have time to really eat a good balanced breakfast, this will be a way of getting all the nutrients that I need easily and speedily. I work away from home so I can't really just go home for lunch so I usually end up buying something at the dreaded Wendy's... So I figure.. save some money and eat healthy, SWEET!! And dinners are easy for me because I have an amazing aunt that I am living with that cooks dinner almost every night of the week.

Right now I am ashamed to say that I weigh 180lbs. I am working to get down to about 140. My dad has been doing this diet and has already lost over 20 lbs. So if he can do it.. so can I! I will keep you updated!

Wish me luck!


seanandnataliekowallis said...

I am right there with you! I have gained 40 lbs since Sean and I got married... not a proud item for me to admit to. My parents have lost close to 100 lbs together by just eating less red meat and more veggies... I think my dad exercises too. Who'da thought? I'm going to be working on that one... I'd like to get down to about 140 as well. We should motivate each other... heaven knows I need some motivation (other than the need to buy new "bigger" clothes. ;) Good luck!

Jessie, Sol, and Jade said...

You are so good! I have a gained quiet a bit of weight since Sol and I got married and I would love to lose it all again. I'm not as motivated as you are though. My work even has an active for life thing going on which should motivate me, but it doesn't. I hope you have success and maybe knowing my friends are going through the same thing will motivate me.

Unknown said...
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Cori said...

hey girl! This is your favorite cousin Cori. I am 100% behind you! I know you can do it!
love you much!

Cori said...

and you even know the Stacker2 guy? Sounds like an ad.

Krista said...

Hey how have you been? I have not seen you in forver what are you up to? I hope things are good!! It looks like you had tonz of fun on your cruise!!
Krista (Hales) Thompson