Wednesday, October 22, 2008

.: Tagged :.

So I was tagged by my awesome cousin Kacie a while ago and I have been a slacker and haven't done it yet... so Kacie, Here you go!

The rules: Link person who tagged you
Tell about 6 Quirks of yours
Tag 6 fellow bloggers to do the same

Fact 1: I love anything to do with water. I think that I am part dolphin or something because if there is enough water to swim in, you can bet I am either in it, or thinking about being in it. It's funny cause I hate being in a bathing suit in front of other people, but I love swimming... Imagine that?

Fact 2: I am an emotional shopper. What I mean by this is that when I am sad or depressed or even happy I feel the need to buy something that will cheer me up. Which can be very expensive and addicting. So that's something I am trying to break.

Fact 3: I hope that in the millenium I will be able to be a ballerina. I always wanted to dance and I have loved ballet since I was little. But... I am lazy and a lil on the chubby side so the ballet thing is out for now. I like food too much to give it up in order to become a size -2. :)

Fact 4: I love weddings. I have since I was little. I don't know what it is about those white poofy dresses that has me so fascinated, but it does. Hence, I am going to be a wedding photographer when I "grow up." So if you know of anyone that is getting married or is just wanting some cute family photos or anything of the photography sort.. let me know I would be happy to do it. And Where I am just getting started I might even cut you a pretty good deal. :)

Fact 5: I am a candy junkie! I love anything that is fruity! But, I don't particularly like chocolate that much. I know you can all pick your jaws up off the floor. Someone once asked me if i was really a girl because I didn't like chocolate.... LOL YES I am a girl :D

Fact 6: I love love love girly/cheesy movies. for example HSM, M-K&A movies, anything disney. Step up 1 and 2, she's the man etc. I also love hannah montana.. I know it's kinda stupid at times but I just think that it is so funny! And it's a whole heck of a lot better than a lot of the other trash that is out there now a days.

well that's 6 facts about me. Pretty amaxzing right. I know. BLOWS YOUR MIND! well not I tag Melanie, Bridgette, Natalie K., Steph, Jessie, and Heather. Have fun!

1 comment:

Kacie Powell Keele said...

Shaylyn, you are so cute! I love reading your blog and getting to know you better! Luv u most!