Sunday, January 11, 2009

.:CES Fireside: President Monson:.

So Tonight's fireside was amazing. I am so glad that we have a prophet who gets direct inspiration from God for our day. And who loves our generation. I am also so grateful for his sense of humor. I love that man and I know that he is inspired. He is the type of man that I want to be married to someday. I love that he is so humble and meek and yet so strong. He inspires me to be better. To do more service and to be humble myself. He made some really great remarks tonight. If you didn't get a chance to listen to the broadcast tonight, you totally should look for it on the church website. Here are some of the things that he said that touched me in particular.

He said that we have great expectations. When the time for decision has come, the time for preparation has past. I love that because it is so true and sometimes when we are in that preparatory stage we don't see it for what it is. It makes me really take a step back and ask what the Lord is trying to teach me through this certain trial.

He also talked about how important it is to get an education which makes me really want to go back to school and to learn all that I can while I have the time.

Not only is academic preparation essential but so is spiritual preparation, if not more so. And he said how important it is to gain a testimony of Jesus Christ who will be an anchor to us when the waves of uncertainty come and try to steer us off course.

Divine favor will attend those that seek the Lord. We have to make room for Him in our lives and in our hearts.

"Where doubt destroys, faith fulfills."

He gave some hints to help us achieve our great expectations:

1. Avoid the pitfalls in the track,avoid the detours which will deprive you of your celestial reward.

"Good habits are the souls muscles. The more we use them the more they will grow"

Whatever you read, listen to, or watch makes an impression on you. Avoid any semblance of evil. Don't be afraid to stand up for your Heavenly Father's standards.

2. Beware of the flashy start and the fade out finish.

"Stick to your task til it sticks to you. Beginners are many but enders are few."

Have an attitude of work. in the game of life, a second effort is often acquired.

perseverance will pay rich rewards.

3.Help others in their race in life

Remember that when you help your brother up the mountain you are a little nearer the top yourself.

4. Seek the help of the Lord

We do not run alone in this great race in life. Remember that we are entitled to the help of the Lord.

Before we can take Him as our companion, before we can follow him as our guide, we must find Him. In order to find Him we must make room for Him in our lives.

We are a choice generation with great expectation

1 comment:

Nathan and Heidi Blair said...

Thanks for leaving those comments. Last nights fireside left a great impression on me and helped me gain greater clarity in a difficult situation I'm in. Your summary refreshed the thoughts and feelings I had last night, thanks so much for taking the time to do that!